Animal Success Stories
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Sky, now named Gabriel, is doing great in her new home. She loves cuddling up on the couch with her new dad when he is watching sports and will snuggle up with her new mom at night. She is getting used to the big cat in the house. She loves to walk the circle and smell all the dog smells. Gabrielle has it made in her new home.


11/28/09: He did enjoy his first Thanksgiving indoors. (I didn't find any dropped food on the floor at the end of the day so I thnk he did take care of floor cleaning duty) He came downstairs with me propmtly at 6:00AM to begin cooking and after a play time in the yard lay at my feet as I prepared the fixin's all morning. He slept under the table while we ate dinner and did lots of sniffing near the counters and stove. Scooby acts so good inside. I thinks he believes he has won the doggie lottery. He loves to roam around in the yard with Dave and is so far trustable to stay within eye sight and come back soon after called. We absolutely love him. 11/30/09: Well Scooby continues to prove what a good boy he is. Today he was all alone all day (for the first time), not crated either and made no messes. He did not get into any trouble. He sure was happy to see us when we got home from work. He had his romp outside for a while with Dave and after dinner and some play time with his favorite toy has settled down again at our feet hoping for extra belly rubs. Thanks to Haven to Home for making such a nice connection for us.

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