Chocolate Labrador Retriever : : Female : : Young : : Large
Jade is a 2 year old female Chocolate Lab who weighs in at 75 lbs. She is purebred and gorgeous. Jade is very friendly and is dog friendly. She has been relinquished because her owners do not have time for her. Former owner said she didn't seem to pay much attention to cats that passed through her yard. Jade is a bundle of energy; energy that needs to be channeled through training and exercise. One of our trainers met her today and within 10 minutes there was a transformation in her behavior and energy level; she sat down very calmly at the trainers side while we talked. Our trainer said this dog is healthy, beautiful, friendly, intelligent and ready to LEARN. She is, however, very strong.
Jade is currently being boarded because we have no foster homes available for her. She needs a loving home where her training can begin as a wonderful companion dog. Unfortunately, being boarded is not going to help this beautiful girl - she needs hands on! Jade is scheduled for spaying on January 26. However, if a local applicant is approved to adopt we could consider a foster to adopt arrangement. Jade needs a home! More about JadeGood with Dogs, Good with Cats IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ Click here for the ADOPTION APPLICATION if you are interested in adopting this pet. Applications are the first step in the adoption process. Please do not call or email simply to express interest. We are all volunteers and receiving your application saves us time and helps to determine the best match for both people and dogs. We provide as much information as we currently have on each dog in their description. For questions on the adoption process, including fees, please review the Adoption page. If you have additional questions or are interested in adopting, please fill out an adoption application. Once we receive your application someone will be in touch to answer your questions. Thank you! |